It starts from a focal point, that is the work to be reproduced, but inevitably reaches another point, which is that of the implicit subjective reinterpretation and subtle personalization of the work, feeding the suggestive dynamism and the expressive scope of the overall composition and entering its peculiar imprinting of exclusive re-elaboration.
The artist takes inspiration and symbolically takes possession of the original image, makes it his own and increases its strength, vigor and energy of the essence and content. He revives the representations of art history in his paintings, reinterprets them and makes them the living substance of his own painting through their integration with the forms of symbols or with the works previously created.
They are pictorial works through which Karam Cannarella creates a contemporaneity that materializes when images of works distant in time appear in the artist’s mind to give free interpretation to new works in a modern key. It allows us to celebrate and appreciate the great Masters even more and to grasp and incorporate even the smallest and meticulous variations into art, those slight accents and those more subtle mottling and glazing, which are strengthened and made stand out in the creative act.